Our Policies


We Certify Our Quality

We serve our customers and contribute to the development of our industry iwith our investments monitoring all the developments and technological innovations in the printing sector since 1988.


Environment and Energy Management System Policy

Our company, which adopts sustainable environment and energy principles in its activities,

  • To comply with the legal requirements on environment and energy and compliance obligations that we are bound by,
  • To constantly review, improve and develop Environmental and Energy Management Systems,
  • To work to prevent environmental pollution that may occur due to the business line and to ensure its sustainability,
  • To reduce waste generated by our activities at the source, to reuse, recycle, and dispose of non-recyclable waste in accordance with regulations,
  • To use natural resources such as raw materials, energy, fuel and water in the most efficient way possible,
  • To reduce the effects of climate change and to transfer it to future generations, to increase the awareness of energy use of our employees, suppliers and customers and to raise awareness, to carry out projects that will increase energy efficiency,
  • To produce by targeting the reuse and recycling of packaging materials from the design stage,
  • Continuously reducing the amount of carbon use by increasing the use of renewable energy and planning energy use in all our processes,

It aims to manage its Environment and Energy activities integrated with Quality and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems within the framework of its principles.


Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Our company, which takes precautions regarding the health and safety of its personnel, subcontractors, suppliers, intern and guests working under the umbrella of Umur;

  • To comply with legal and other conditions,
  • To constantly review, improve, develop and follow the Occupational Health and Safety Management System,
  • To detect and eliminate dangers, risks and near-miss situations in the working environment in order to protect    the health and safety of our employees,
  • To raise awareness and take measures to achieve the goal of zero work accident and zero occupational disease,
  • To create a culture in which safe and healthy working habits are internalized and to provide the necessary resources for this,
  • Taking proactive measures by making necessary plans for possible emergencies,
  • Continuously improving our OHS performance by using the best available technologies,
  • To create Occupational Health and Safety awareness of our employees and all our stakeholders, to organize training activities to improve this awareness and to ensure their participation,

It aims to manage its Occupational Health and Safety activities integrated with Quality and Environmental Management Systems within the framework of its principles.


Quality and Food Safety Policy

As a corporate industrial company, Umur, within the framework of the technology, service and quality standards it has reached with its qualified employees, honest and open communication, innovative and participatory management approach and effective resource use;

  • To maintain and develop the sector leadership and to lead the sector,
  • To increase occupational standards in order to improve sector efficiency and employee competence,
  • To be aware of the brand image and to increase it continuously,
  • To present its products and services to its customers as the best and leading solution partner,
  • To increase internal customer satisfaction,
  • To fulfill the requirements in the food chain and to constantly review, improve and develop the Food Safety Management System,
  • Establishing an effective communication network with its customers and suppliers,
  • To follow the technological developments,
  • To constantly review, improve and develop the Quality Systems,
  • To comply with national and international legal requirements and standards and the requirements of our customers,
  • Fulfilling its responsibilities towards society and the environment,
  • To give importance to consumer, product and food safety,
  • To protect our products from factors such as imitation, adulteration, sabotage,
  • Adhering to company business ethics principles,
  • To create permanent and lasting values,
  • To maintain and improve training activities in order to support the development of employees,
  • To create an effective food safety culture within the company and among our stakeholders

It has adopted the principle of being the most preferred company within the framework of its principles and being an international company by creating solutions that will best meet customer needs and expectations.


Our Social Management System Policy

  • To continuously improve all processes by effectively managing risks,
  • To use energy efficiently, to protect the environmental balance and natural resources,
  • To increase the knowledge and social awareness of stakeholders on climate change,
  • To ensure information security and business continuity in all its activities,
  • To comply with national and international legislation requirements,
  • To manage relations with its stakeholders in a transparent manner and with common sense,
  • To ensure continuity in customer satisfaction,
  • Developing its suppliers towards sustainability practices,
  • Presenting Corporate Social Responsibility activities to its stakeholders in line with Company strategies, targets and priorities,
  • Adopting the principles of the Social Management System as a corporate culture, especially ethical values ​​and the fight against corruption,
  • Working in accordance with the ethical code,

It aims to work to develop its principles, to provide training and to manage all Social behavior and rules together with Occupational Health and Safety, Information Security, Quality and Environmental Management Systems and policies.


Information Security Management System Policy

As a corporate industrial company, Umur; The company has adopted the principle of protecting the security of information assets and minimizing disruptions in business processes. In this context, Umur management is committed to allocating the necessary resources.

In this context Umur;

  • To constantly review, improve and develop the Information Security Management System,
  • To ensure the information security expectations and requirements of our employees, customers and group companies,
  • To guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of information assets and processes that need to be protected,
  • Ensuring full compliance with legal and regulatory requirements,
  • To increase the security of the company's technological infrastructure by constantly improving it,
  • Preparing business continuity plans to prevent interruptions in critical business processes,
  • To ensure information security awareness of employees and suppliers and to constantly increase this awareness,

It has adopted the principle of establishing and continuously improving an Information Security Management System compatible with TS ISO / IEC 27001 requirements within the framework of its principles.